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Now seeking: Animators
So far,「 Blood Sun Vendetta 」has been pretty much a one-person animation team, but it's time I found a few talented and passionate animators to bring on to the project.
The current pipeline is straightforward: I put together an animatic set to sound, then animate the scenes. Subtle animations are often just manipulated singular assets, for example, facial movements when talking, subtle head turns, etc., using Procreate. I'm more than happy to handle this, I just need isolated high-resolution assets (ie. character head, character body).
Experience drawing and animating "anime" or in a David Productions-style would be a plus, but not necessary.
Background Artists
I'll be handling backgrounds for now, though a dedicated background artist would be awesome.
3D Animator
Eventually, I'll need some skilled 3D animator(s) for a number of vehicles (motorcycles, cars, etc), as a lot of the story includes road-chases.